July 16, 2018


I have been wondering a lot, lately, about what do I want in life? Specifically, my life.

I have been living under perception that getting yourself a good job, being financially strong, starting a family and earning extensive essential needs are the right way to live in this world. However, as I am approaching the 30s, with me feeling numb in job, moderately stable financial, being a single woman and have essential needs only enough for myself - my view on life is changing.

I never felt useless or what not that my life path is not alike many of friends of my age, but from this path that I am on now I could see that I absolutely have many things I could achieve while others couldn’t. For instance, I have the time and opportunity to explore and see the world a lot wider than most of my friends who eventually have established family and tied with commitments while having kids. That is the obvious pros I could state on the surface.

Well, in a different perspective it made me realise that I might have born to dislike the typical life everyone eagerly wanted to invest in after graduating (which is the job-married-kids life). As I grew older I was blessed with God's given thought to strive further about life and be bolder. This path written for me may be a little deviated than the norm but probably the best that could make me a happier and a better person.

My life goal has changed. As much as I hated myself for this belief and the disappointment my family would have felt on the life goal I've chose - Hey! I don’t need to be extremely excellent in job working hard day and night to consider myself as successful, I don’t need to be a crazy rich Asian woman to say that my need is fulfilled, or even a family and kids to make me feel complete in life.

I’ve decided that at the point of writing this post - I am 27 years old, considering I would be young, fun and fit until I would reach 40, I have about the balance of 13 years for this new goal to be achieved. The goal for now is to go out and explore the precious world God has created for us to live in! The earth is too beautiful to be wasted, and the journey starts now!

Amira :)

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